INTS 33492

Dear students this what all you were waiting for. Download the file below and read carefully all content of PDF file called "Qualitative data Analysis" and find sample question end of the chapter. pay your attention on question winch are highlighted in yellow.

Qualitative Data Analysis
Level of Measurement
Graph and Chart

Examination help PPT
PPT  01 for SPSS
PPT 02 for SPSS
PPT 03 for SPSS

Dear students, you can refer this blog with the purpose of finding lecture notes and the relevant extra reading. on the other hand this blog plays a role of notice board for Take- home assignments and in class assignments. if you want to comment on any regards during the course is conducted, you are free to say anything which relevant to teaching learning process.

 Lecture 01   21/09/2017
Assignment 01 
Assignment 02

Reading Materials 01
Dear students please refer this link for further knowledge on Statistics

Lesson outline 

Excel Data set for 24.11.207  
SPSS Data set for 24.11.2017


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